Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Olympian Wave 3 heater

I've spent a lot of time online the past few days researching options for heating the van's living space. I'm settling on the Olympian Wave 3 catalytic heater. According to listed product information and Vanagon online group message posts, it's silent, creates sufficient heat for the size of the space, and efficiently runs on propane (I can hook into the Westy's onboard propane tank). This heater also has the benefit of not emitting dangerous carbon monoxide like other propane-fueled heaters, though it does require a source of oxygen, so I'll remember to crack a window during use.

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I go by the name of Myst. Addicted to freedom & somewhat of a nomad at heart, I hail originally from Seattle, WA and currently spend most of my time splashing around & about Washington State's magical Olympic Peninsula...

About My Van

Appa the Wonder Yak is a pale yellow 1981 Volkswagen Westfalia camper van. She's been converted from air-cooled to water-cooled and runs on a Mazda RX-7 B13 Rotary engine. She enjoys ramblings along forest roads, has a large appetite for motor oil & is particularly proud of her environmentalist bumper stickers...

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