Friday, October 2, 2009

Olympian Wave 3 heater installation

Now that there's a cavity where the Westfalia's refrigerator used to be, I decided to install my Olympian Wave 3 heater on the inside of the fridge cabinet door. That way, when I want to use the heater, I can just open the cabinet door at whatever angle will point the heater in the most advantageous angle (it opens a full 180-degrees), leaving it out of the way on the inside of the fridge cavity when not in use. Plus, it makes for easy installation-- I can simply tap into the propane line that used to service the fridge. It took a few trips to the hardware store to get the correct fittings, plus the flexible hose to run from the van's copper propane line to the heater and allow for the cabinet door to open and close, but everything is connected now. It was nearing dark by the time I finished the project, so I'll wait till another day to turn the propane back on and test the system. I also need to make a cover for the heater, as I've read that the catalytic pads in the Olympian heaters are particularly sensitive to dust.

About Me

I go by the name of Myst. Addicted to freedom & somewhat of a nomad at heart, I hail originally from Seattle, WA and currently spend most of my time splashing around & about Washington State's magical Olympic Peninsula...

About My Van

Appa the Wonder Yak is a pale yellow 1981 Volkswagen Westfalia camper van. She's been converted from air-cooled to water-cooled and runs on a Mazda RX-7 B13 Rotary engine. She enjoys ramblings along forest roads, has a large appetite for motor oil & is particularly proud of her environmentalist bumper stickers...

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