Wednesday, September 23, 2009

substitute van fridge

I discovered awhile back that the stock refrigerator in my van... the one that runs on on-board propane or battery power... doesn't work (a common problem for Volkswagen Westfalias, from what I've heard). So today I decided to pull it out & make some extra space for storage.
I'll be using a DC-powered Koolatron electric cooler to keep my perishable foods cool. It fits right behind my driver seat (since I'm short, I keep the seat pushed all the way forward). Plus, I got the optional AC adapter so I can power it on AC electricity when I have access to electricity. (It also works as a food warmer, but I don't see myself taking advantage of that product feature).

Pulling the stock fridge out wasn't a difficult job, once I figured out which propane line to disconnect (the connection point wasn't visible until I had the fridge partway out of its cavity). I still need to install some kind of panel to cover the exposed insulation at the back of the fridge cavity, and will probably build some shelves to make the new space more usable.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

entertaining in a van

I just landed a brief (10-day) house-sitting gig in Port Townsend... great town; I love the food co-op there... and the local Khu Larb Thai is my favorite Thai restaurant anywhere. One downside to van dwelling is the relative difficulty of entertaining guests, so I may take this opportunity to have a few friends over for dinner one evening. Entertaining isn't so much an issue in the warmer months... I often arrange to meet friends in public parks, beaches, etc. to hang out, hike or picnic... and in colder weather, there's always the option of getting together at a restaurant or a coffeehouse, but I do enjoy cooking and there's not much opportunity to do so for other people within the confines of a van (unless you count group camping trips). Some van dwellers do well sharing their space with a partner or with guests, but for me, although it works as a solo space, I can't easily imagine it otherwise. Although I thoroughly enjoy occasional company, I also thrive on solitude.

About Me

I go by the name of Myst. Addicted to freedom & somewhat of a nomad at heart, I hail originally from Seattle, WA and currently spend most of my time splashing around & about Washington State's magical Olympic Peninsula...

About My Van

Appa the Wonder Yak is a pale yellow 1981 Volkswagen Westfalia camper van. She's been converted from air-cooled to water-cooled and runs on a Mazda RX-7 B13 Rotary engine. She enjoys ramblings along forest roads, has a large appetite for motor oil & is particularly proud of her environmentalist bumper stickers...

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