Saturday, March 21, 2009

welcome to Nomad Van

My house goes 70 mph... maybe even faster, but I haven't had it for long & am not interested in testing its limits at this point. Still, that's pretty fast for a house, in my book.

My home is actually a 1981 Volkswagen Vanagon Westfalia... not exactly a purebred, given the fact that the previous owner converted it from air-cooled to water-cooled and simultaneously dropped in a rotary engine from a Mazda RX-7, making it probably one of the oddest Westies out there. But it's home.

I came to this lifestyle through a desire for freedom. I work when I need to, and not much more than that... you might say a "work to live" rather than "live to work" approach. It works for me for now, though the grand plan is to follow my bliss once I find it... For now, I'll enjoy the regular changes of scenery that this lifestyle allows, and use the time to figure out where I'd most like to be, and what I'd most like to do.

I'll likely spend the next few months (at least) just getting set up to hit the road full-time, with the intention to share the process and my findings in this blog, and subsequently to share my experiences on the road.

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About Me

I go by the name of Myst. Addicted to freedom & somewhat of a nomad at heart, I hail originally from Seattle, WA and currently spend most of my time splashing around & about Washington State's magical Olympic Peninsula...

About My Van

Appa the Wonder Yak is a pale yellow 1981 Volkswagen Westfalia camper van. She's been converted from air-cooled to water-cooled and runs on a Mazda RX-7 B13 Rotary engine. She enjoys ramblings along forest roads, has a large appetite for motor oil & is particularly proud of her environmentalist bumper stickers...

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