Thursday, September 10, 2009

entertaining in a van

I just landed a brief (10-day) house-sitting gig in Port Townsend... great town; I love the food co-op there... and the local Khu Larb Thai is my favorite Thai restaurant anywhere. One downside to van dwelling is the relative difficulty of entertaining guests, so I may take this opportunity to have a few friends over for dinner one evening. Entertaining isn't so much an issue in the warmer months... I often arrange to meet friends in public parks, beaches, etc. to hang out, hike or picnic... and in colder weather, there's always the option of getting together at a restaurant or a coffeehouse, but I do enjoy cooking and there's not much opportunity to do so for other people within the confines of a van (unless you count group camping trips). Some van dwellers do well sharing their space with a partner or with guests, but for me, although it works as a solo space, I can't easily imagine it otherwise. Although I thoroughly enjoy occasional company, I also thrive on solitude.

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About Me

I go by the name of Myst. Addicted to freedom & somewhat of a nomad at heart, I hail originally from Seattle, WA and currently spend most of my time splashing around & about Washington State's magical Olympic Peninsula...

About My Van

Appa the Wonder Yak is a pale yellow 1981 Volkswagen Westfalia camper van. She's been converted from air-cooled to water-cooled and runs on a Mazda RX-7 B13 Rotary engine. She enjoys ramblings along forest roads, has a large appetite for motor oil & is particularly proud of her environmentalist bumper stickers...

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